
Fondation Cartier pour l’art contemporain

261, Boulevard Raspail
75014 Paris, France

Se rendre à la Fondation Cartier

Opening hours

Tuesday to Sunday, from 11am to 8pm (10pm on Tuesdays).
Closed on Mondays.
Last entrances at 7.45pm. (9.45pm on Tuesdays).

The Fondation Cartier's bookshop

The bookshop is located in our exhibition space (261 boulevard Raspail, 75014, Paris) and is accessible with an entrance ticket to the Fondation.

    Frequently asked questions

    Find here all the most frequently asked questions about the Fondation Cartier's online shop.

    • How to cancel an order?

      If you wish to cancel your order, please contact our customer service directly by email, Monday to Friday from 10am to 4pm:

    • How can I track the delivery of my package?

      You will receive an email from the transporter to track the delivery of your package.

    • Can I change an order?

      If you have made a mistake in your order, please contact our customer service directly by email, Monday to Friday from 10am to 4pm:

    • Can I send a gift to a third party?

      You can choose to send a gift during the confirmation step of the order.

      You can have the gift delivered to you or to the recipient by filling in their delivery address.

    • Which payment methods are accepted?

      Carte Bleue, Visa, MasterCard.

    • Can I receive my package at a relay point?

      Delivery at a relay point isn’t possible.

    • Can I pick up my order at the Fondation Cartier?

      Orders are not dispatched from the Fondation Cartier, so you cannot pick them up here.

    • What to do if my order is damaged, defective or noncompliant upon arrival?

      If your order is damaged, defective or noncompliant upon arrival, please contact our customer service directly by email, Monday to Friday from 10am to 4pm:

    • How is VAT calculated?

      As of July 1, 2021, the VAT of the delivery country is applied to products purchased via e-commerce. In France, this corresponds to 5.5% for books, 10% for membership cards and 20% for stationary and cards.

    • What are the benefits of the Fondation Cartier Pass?

      Fondation Cartier members benefit from a 5% reduction on all products from the online shop (except limited editions) and monthly offers with our partners.