Hyberhéros : Coloriages avec Fabrice Hyber
10.50 €
French artist Fabrice Hyber has always surrounded himself with “Hyberheroes”, astonishing characters with the most surprising features and powers. On the occasion of the exhibition The Valley, the Fondation Cartier offered him to imagine a coloring book for children.
Hyberhéros : Coloriages avec Fabrice Hyber is the issue #14 of a unique collection of artists’ coloring books published by the Fondation Cartier. From “L’Homme de Bessines” to “Ted Hyber”, “MITman” and the “Speculator”, this book offers the children the opportunity to discover all of Fabrice Hyber’s wonderful heroes.
Softback, 24 × 34 cm, 28 pages
40 color and black-and-white reproductions